NOVO research project: Targeting Cancer with New Precision

An abstract artistic representation of a proton therapy process, focusing solely on the proton energy itself. Created with DALL E

The NOVO Project and Its Impact

The NOVO research project seeks to make proton therapy even more accurate and efficient. Imagine it as adding a real-time tracking system into proton therapy. This detector allows us to adjust our aim instantly and ensure that each arrow hits the right spot.

Project leader Ilker Meric explains, “With the NOVO project’s technology we're actively tracking the arrival at the target and fine-tune the next ´shot´ if necessary.” This detector being developed can accurately identify where the proton energy is released, making real-time adjustments for precision. This ensures the treatment is as targeted as possible, focusing solely on the cancerous cells while sparing the healthy tissue around them.

Meet the partners

“The goal for the NOVO project is not only to be pioneering in proton therapy but also in demonstrating how multidisciplinary efforts can lead to monumental achievements in healthcare.”

- project leader Ilker Meric